Friday, November 13, 2009

Here we are.....

Hi....I guess that is how I am supposed to start out. :) I opened this blog weeks (maybe months) ago and just never posted anything. I debated over and over if I wanted to even be a 'blogger'. I had decided that I wasn't going to be...that I didn't have the time to be, and then yesterday happened. I was looking through my kid's baby books. All through their books were sticky notes.....sticky notes full of cute little things that they had done or said. As I read through them I came to the conclusion that I had better start writing more things down so that in my geriatric years (HA!) I can look back and, here we land. (is 'blog land' one word or two?? :)) All in all I guess this part of the blog will be more for ME than for YOU.....if YOU do read, let me know, but if not, that is okay, too. :)

We'll start out with an introduction. (this is for YOU.....hopefully even in my nursing home years I will at least remember ME! :)) I have been married for 11 1/2 years to the love of my life....Andy. He is amazing, fantastic, out-of-this-world. I love him MORE today that I did the day we got married. (okay, I am hearing all of you groan now, so I will stop with the lovey-dovey stuff.) I am sure I will be writing A LOT about this handsome man. We dated for almost 3 years before we got married. It seems that I can hardly remember a time when it wasn't "US", and I like it that way. I love my husband and I love being on his team. We have 3 amazing kids.....Jacob turned 7 in May, Emily is 4 and Audrey Grace will be a year old on the 28th of this month. We live in beautiful Wisconsin, which is truly GOD'S COUNTRY!! Andy pastor's Bible Baptist Church - which explains the title of this blog. I have often heard of the pastor's home/family referred to as a "goldfish bowl" because people are always watching you. So, through this blog you will get a bit of a view into our 'bowl'. ;)
So, with that intro over, I must go tend to the 'bowl'........ :)


Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading!

I too debated a lot over whether to blog (for one, it's kinda a weird word, right? "blog"... who came up with that?!) but have really enjoyed having a place to journal and talk about my family. I often feel like I"m talking to myself, but it's cheaper than a therapist, so... =)

Amy Snow said...

Lovely post Debbie! Keep it up!